Το χειμωνογλάρονο (Sterna sandvicensis) είναι το μόνο είδος γλαρονιού που παρατηρείται τυπικά και τον χειμώνα στην Ελλάδα, ενώ παρατηρείται έντονα και κατά τη μετανάστευση. Έχει την κλασσική σιλουέτα των γλαρονιών και τρέφεται με ψάρια.
Sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis) is the only tern species that is typically observed in Greece during the winter. It is also observed frequently during the migration period. It has the conventional tern's silhouette and it feeds on fish.
Sandwich tern (Sterna sandvicensis) is the only tern species that is typically observed in Greece during the winter. It is also observed frequently during the migration period. It has the conventional tern's silhouette and it feeds on fish.